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Hotel hub by Premier Inn London Westminster Abbey (Londres)

21 Tothill Street Westminster, Londres, Reino Unido Ver ubicación
Hotel hub by Premier Inn London Westminster Abbey
21 Tothill Street Westminster, Londres, Reino Unido

Información general del hotel hub by Premier Inn London Westminster Abbey

Conoce el hub by Premier Inn London Westminster Abbey

Westminster is buzzing with stories to tell - from the Gothic grandeur of Westminster Abbey to the dazzling Buckingham Palace. Here it's all at your feet, from the city's most famous landmarks to slick drinking dens and some gloriously green spaces. Please note that some rooms do not have windows; windows are based on availability.

Lugares de interés en Londres

Abadía de Westminster

La Abadía de Westminster o Iglesia colegiata de San Pedro de Westminster es una iglesia gótica del tamaño de una catedral. Es el lugar tradicional para las coronaciones y entierros de los monarcas ingleses. Está localizada en Westminster, Londres, al lado del Palacio de Westminster.