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Hotel Hidalgo Quijada (Alcázar De San Juan)

Rondilla Cruz Verde 91, Alcázar De San Juan, España Ver ubicación
Hotel Hidalgo Quijada
Rondilla Cruz Verde 91, Alcázar De San Juan, España

Información general del hotel Hidalgo Quijada

Conoce el Hidalgo Quijada

A brand new hotel, opened in April of 2007, located in the heart Alcazar de San Juan and just an hours drive from the capital. It has easy road access and exceptional public transport links especially by rail. The hotel is located in the commercial center of Alc¿zar, a city which has, in the last years, been developing greatly.

Lugares de interés en Alcázar De San Juan

Laguna Grande

Laguna Grande de Villafranca de los Caballeros