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Hotel Palu City Hotel (Palu)

Jalan Sis Aljufri No 17, Palu, Indonesia Ver ubicación
Hotel Palu City Hotel
Jalan Sis Aljufri No 17, Palu, Indonesia

Información general del hotel Palu City Hotel

Conoce el Palu City Hotel

Located in a strategic location, close to Palu Grand Mall (3,5 km), Transmart Carrefour Palu (2,9 km), Rumah Makan Losari (2,4 km), Rumah Makan Kaledo Abadi (2 km), Monumen Anjungan Nusantara Palu (3,2 km), and Ntovea Park (2,2 km), you can access Palu City Hotel with various public transportation options such as buses, taxis, and online transportation.