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Hotel Santa Helena Hotel (Platanias)

PLATANIA, , Platanias, Grecia Ver ubicación
Hotel Santa Helena Hotel
PLATANIA, , Platanias, Grecia

Información general del hotel Santa Helena Hotel

Conoce el Santa Helena Hotel

This hotel enjoys a charming location, lying amidst the captivating surroundings of Chania, Greece. Within a short distance of the hotel, guests can enjoy a host of local attractions, including the delights of the Aegean Sea, where an abundance of water-based activities are to be enjoyed. The hotel presents a traditional architectural design, blending effortlessly with its surroundings. The guest rooms are elegantly designed, featuring soft, soothing tones and modern furnishings. The hotel offers a range of excellent facilities, catering to the needs of each individual guest. For a memorable stay, this hotel is the only choice.