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Hotel I-Space Serviced Apartments (Bangalore)

4TH CROSS, 12TH MAIN, HALL II STAGE, INDIRA NAGAR, 598/1, Bangalore, India Ver ubicación
Hotel I-Space Serviced Apartments
4TH CROSS, 12TH MAIN, HALL II STAGE, INDIRA NAGAR, 598/1, Bangalore, India
I-Space Serviced Apartments - General - 1
I-Space Serviced Apartments - Habitación - 2
I-Space Serviced Apartments - Habitación - 3
I-Space Serviced Apartments - Habitación - 4
I-Space Serviced Apartments - Habitación - 5
I-Space Serviced Apartments - Piscina - 6
I-Space Serviced Apartments - Reuniones y eventos - 7
Reuniones y eventos
I-Space Serviced Apartments - Deportes - 8
I-Space Serviced Apartments - Deportes - 9

Información general del hotel I-Space Serviced Apartments

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Localización del hotel

Located on 4th cross in Indiranagar, the apartments enjoy close proximity to major shopping and business hubs of the city. The apartments are located 42 km away from Bangalore International airport and 12 km from Bangalore City Junction railway station.

Servicios del hotel I-Space Serviced Apartments

  • Baño de vapor
  • Televisión
  • Baño
  • Sala de Televisión
  • Secador

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