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Hotel Ameera Boutique (Yogyakarta)

Jl. dagen 13&15, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Ver ubicación
Hotel Ameera Boutique
Jl. dagen 13&15, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Ameera Boutique - Hotel - 1
Ameera Boutique - General - 2
Ameera Boutique - General - 3
Ameera Boutique - Habitación - 4

Información general del hotel Ameera Boutique

Conoce el Ameera Boutique

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Localización del hotel

The hotel is located in Yogyakarta, 100 meters from Malioboro Malland the Keraton. Being just a 30-minute drive from Adisucipto International Airport the hotel enjoys a very convenient location that makes this hotel a favorite.

Servicios del hotel Ameera Boutique

  • Servicio de recepción 24 h

Opiniones del hotel Ameera Boutique